Personal Finance

Personal Finance
Personal Finance

4 Key Money Lessons for Kids of All Ages

by ValueChampion Editorial Team on Jun 10, 2024

While the topic of personal finance may seem too complex for children, here are four some simple lessons that can help kids establish a healthy perspective...

Budgeting & Saving
Budgeting & Saving

How I Escaped & Stayed Out of Poverty — Spring Sun, Frugal in Singapore

by ValueChampion Editorial Team on Jun 10, 2024

To educate and inspire our readers to achieve financial freedom, we interviewed Spring Sun, the writer of the blog “Frugal in Singapore.” Having escaped poverty...

Budgeting & Saving
Budgeting & Saving

How I Managed to Amass $750K Before the Age of 35 — Tips By Brian Halim

by ValueChampion Editorial Team on Jun 10, 2024

Brian Halim, who blogs at A Path to Financial Freedom, shares how he achieved financial freedom in ten years by saving S$750k before the age...

Personal Finance
Personal Finance

Financial Questions To Ask Your Partner Before You Get Serious

by ValueChampion Editorial Team on Jun 10, 2024

Getting serious with your partner? Make sure you know the answers to these five questions before your relationship progresses.

Credit Cards
Credit Cards

3 Reasons Donating Money Can Be Good For Your Wallet

by ValueChampion Editorial Team on Jun 5, 2024

Whether you got a big bonus from work or you can spare some change for those who are struggling, donating money can actually help your...

Budgeting & Saving
Budgeting & Saving

4 Things Millennials and Gen Zs Must Do to Become Millionaires

by ValueChampion Editorial Team on May 29, 2024

Can you become a millionaire in this lifetime? Here are a few tips that can help millennials and gen Z’s improve their odds of becoming...

Credit Cards
Credit Cards

Why Is a Healthy Credit Score Important in Singapore and What Are the Benefits?

by ValueChampion Editorial Team on May 28, 2024

Everybody knows a good credit score is important. But what exactly are the benefits to having a healthy credit score in Singapore? Let’s find out...


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